Young Women Inglewood Hill Ward Young Women Inglewood Hill Ward

September YW activities

Here are our upcoming activities for the Young Women

Wednesday, 9/7 - Activity Cancelled - Have a great first week of school!

Saturday, 9/10 - Multi-stake dance @ the Bellevue Stake Center (for youth 14+ In 2022). 8-11 PM.

Sunday, 9/11 - Ward Youth Council meeting (for class presidents only) at 11:30 in the Bishop's office

Sunday, 9/11 - Seminary Kick off at the Stake center @ 4:00 PM (only for High school-aged youth).

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Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward

Relief Society Newsletter - September 2022

Happy September!! "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" (Ecc 3:1). When my kids were in school, this time of year always brought a new teacher, new friends and possibly new schools. As I get older, I realize that nothing seems to stay the same. There is always something new that we all have to deal with in every stage of life.

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Elder's Q, Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward Elder's Q, Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward

(Aug 20) Elder’s Quorum and Spouse BBQ at the Lake

We will have an Elders Quorum and Spouse BBQ activity next Saturday, August 20th, at 5:00 at Lake Sammamish.

Where: The Roos property on Lake Sammamish (3731 E Lk Samm Sh Ln SE).

Bring: The EQ will take care of the BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs, we are asking for everyone to bring a side. (salad, chips, dessert, water/drink etc..)

Please sign up on SignUpGenius -

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