September YW activities

Here are our upcoming activities for the Young Women

Wednesday, 9/7 - Activity Cancelled - Have a great first week of school!

Saturday, 9/10 - Multi-stake dance @ the Bellevue Stake Center (for youth 14+ In 2022). 8-11 PM.

Sunday, 9/11 - Ward Youth Council meeting (for class presidents only) at 11:30 in the Bishop's office

Sunday, 9/11 - Seminary Kick off at the Stake center @ 4:00 PM (only for high school-aged youth).

Wednesday, 9/14- Stake YW activity at the Stake Center at 7 PM

Sunday, 9/18 -11:30 AM Leadership training for the YW class presidencies


(Sep 5) Ward Labor Day BBQ Potluck


(Sept 4) Fast and Testimony meeting Program