(Oct 17) Gospel Doctrine Class
Hope you can join us for Sunday School tomorrow (this Sunday) from 10:00 to 10:45 am!
(Reminder: On 3rd Sundays, Young Women and Young Men are back to having their own classes again during the 2nd hour.)
FSY single adult counselors needed this summer
To support the approximately 250 FSY sessions that will be held in the US and Canada during 2022, 2,200 young single adults from any stakes are needed.
(Sept 12) ‘Ask, Seek, Knock’ - Face to Face for Young Adults with Elder and Sister Bednar
Please join us for a Face to Face event with Elder David A. Bednar and Sister Susan Bednar on September 12, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
(Sept 10-11) Ward Campout
The end-of-summer annual ward campout will be held September 10-11 at Ensign Ranch 3551 Hundley Rd Cleelum, Washington 98992.
Performing Missionaries in Historic Nauvoo, 2022
Between August 1 and November 1, 2021, single members of the Church ages 18 to 25 are invited to audition to serve as performing missionaries, helping with musical and stage productions in Historic Nauvoo.
Calling all Young Single Adults! (18-31):
There are lots of ways to engage! The Sammamish Valley YSA ward meets at 12:30 PM in the Totem Lake Building. The ward holds FHE on Monday evenings.
You are also invited to join us for Institute on Tuesday nights at 7 PM (Bellevue South Stake Center near the temple).
If you would like to know what is going on…