(March 25) Game Night for Stake Youth turning 12 or 13
Friday, March 25 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. The Stake youth committee will host a fun evening of group games for youth turning 12 or 13. Please RSVP using this link to help us plan for the right number of groups and games. (It will take less than 30 seconds)
Stake Self-Reliance Classes (join by Mar 19)
The Stake is organizing another series of self-reliance classes to start in the spring. Note that we will not hold a devotional before starting the classes as we have in the past.
Calling all Sammamish Valley Stake Musicians
Are you musically inclined? The Stake has a number of musical events coming up, and we need to know who you are!
(Jan 23) Single Adult Fireside
Single Adults Fireside - 6:00 pm, Bellevue South Stake Center (behind the temple). President Jared Spataro is the speaker.
(Jan 8) Game Night for all Stake Youth
Join us for games, snacks, and FUN! All Stake Youth turning 12 and up! Friends welcome!
(Dec 19) Stake Christmas Devotional
Our Sammamish Valley Stake Christmas Devotional will be at the stake center, Sunday December 19th, at 5:00pm. Come join with us for a short music-filled devotional.
(Nov 6) Stake Youth Dance
Come to our post-Halloween, not-yet-Christmas dance at the Redmond Stake Center. For Ages 14+. Friends welcome. Please bring a mask. A game room will be available for those that want to get together but not dance or take a break from dancing.
(Oct 23-24) Stake Conference
October 23rd - 4:00 PM Stake and Ward Leadership. 7:00 PM Evening Session for all adults (refreshments to follow).
October 24th - 8:00 AM - YM/YW Session. 10:00 AM General session.
(Oct 21) Great Washington Shakeout
The Seattle area has a history of earthquakes -- are you ready for the next one?
(Oct 17) Senior Fireside
3 PM at the Stake Center. All high school SENIORS are invited to attend this fun and informative fireside with Roz and Jeff Marks. Come celebrate your senior year and what happens next!
(Oct 17) Single Adult Fireside
7-8 PM, Bellevue South Stake Center. Join in with the Seattle Temple Presidency as we prepare for our single adult temple night on November 9th.
(Oct 16) Turning Hearts - Stake Relief Society activity
Our Sammamish Valley Stake Relief Society Activity, Turning Hearts, is just around the corner on Oct 16th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
(Sept 19) High School Senior Fireside
All high school SENIORS are invited to attend this fun and informative fireside with Roz and Jeff Marks at the Stake Center at 3 PM in the Relief Society room.
(Sept 19) Self Reliance Kickoff Devotional
The stake is kicking off the next session of our self-reliance programs.
(Sept 12) ‘Ask, Seek, Knock’ - Face to Face for Young Adults with Elder and Sister Bednar
Please join us for a Face to Face event with Elder David A. Bednar and Sister Susan Bednar on September 12, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.
(Sept 10) Red Cross Blood Drive at the Stake Center - 1PM-6PM
Blood donors are needed from the stake before the event is opened to the public. Signup at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=SammamishValley