(Sept 11) Day of Service

The national Day of Service commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers destruction is coming up!

Our stake's efforts include a blood drive on 9/10 (all slots filled) and three community service projects on Saturday, 9/11: at Juanita Beach, at Rose Hill Community Park, and at the Hartman Community Park in Redmond.

This is a great opportunity for families (kids 8 and over) to rally together for a couple of hours for a great cause.

Feel free to invite your neighbors to join in this community effort.

More info and sign up on Sign-up Genius at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0b4baca928a3fa7-national

See you there!

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(Sept 12) ‘Ask, Seek, Knock’ - Face to Face for Young Adults with Elder and Sister Bednar


(Sept 10) Red Cross Blood Drive at the Stake Center - 1PM-6PM