Elder's Q Inglewood Hill Ward Elder's Q Inglewood Hill Ward

(Mar 25) Elder’s Brisket and Ribs!

The Elder's Quorum is hosting a Brisket and Ribs night on Saturday, March 25th, at 6p, at the chapel.

Dinner: Smoked Brisket and Ribs --> We will send around a sign-up genius for sides, desserts, drinks

Who: The Elder's quorum and their spouses (essentially all adults who want to come)

Activity: Corn Hole competition -- we will set up 3 Corn hole sets in the gym and have a round-robin competition.

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Elder's Q, Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward Elder's Q, Relief Society Inglewood Hill Ward

(Aug 20) Elder’s Quorum and Spouse BBQ at the Lake

We will have an Elders Quorum and Spouse BBQ activity next Saturday, August 20th, at 5:00 at Lake Sammamish.

Where: The Roos property on Lake Sammamish (3731 E Lk Samm Sh Ln SE).

Bring: The EQ will take care of the BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs, we are asking for everyone to bring a side. (salad, chips, dessert, water/drink etc..)

Please sign up on SignUpGenius - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F084FAEA92EA2F49-elders.

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