(Feb 20) Primary Family Sledding Activity

Monday, February 20th from 10 am – 3 pm

Come and enjoy some beautiful snow and some fun times up at the Moulton’s lodge!

Plan on bringing your own lunch and/or snacks. You can choose to eat inside the lodge or outside on the deck.

Hot chocolate and Tubes will be provided.

Please let a member of the Primary presidency know if you are able to make it so we can get a headcount

DIRECTIONS: Take I-90 EAST to Easton, WA, and take Exit 70. Turn left at the stop sign to cross over the freeway, then turn right on East Sparks Road. Go 1/2 mile to 3251 Eask Sparks Road. The Moulton lodge is on the left. There is plenty of parking on the driveway.


(Feb 26) Sacrament meeting program


(Feb 19) Ward Missionary sync with Stake Leaders