(Jan 29) Self-Reliance Courses
The Sammamish Valley/Bellevue South Stake Self-reliance courses will start again in the new year. The kickoff devotional will be held virtually on
(Dec 18) Stake Christmas Devotional
5:00 – 6:00 pm at the Stake Center. Come join to enjoy music and celebrate the Savior.
(Nov 20) 2023 Stake Youth Summer Activity Parent Meeting
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Parents meeting at the stake center for all parents of youth. We will go over the stake summer activities for 2023, including YW camp, YM camp, FSY, and others.
A Giving Machine is in Bellevue!
Our area has been selected to have a Giving Machine in Bellevue this year! It will be in Downtown Bellevue Park just south of Bellevue Square until the first week of January. If you have not heard about the Giving Machines, here is a link to a church newsroom story from last year. It is an amazing opportunity for our community to help those in need locally and globally. Please go to https://www.givingmachinewa.org for more information and share the link with your friends!
For volunteer opportunities, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/sammamishvalleywashingtonstakenews.
(Dec 6 - 11) Volunteers Needed - Festival of the Nativity
Normally our stake just enjoys the Festival of the Nativity, but this year we are helping to host it. Volunteer opportunities are available for setup, hosting, and takedown. Please go to http://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/13577D705A4CCEFC42-bellevue.
Participate in JustServe!
The Church sponsors JustServe as a gift to the community to help connect local volunteers to meaningful service opportunities in their area. You can participate in either of these ways:
Sing with the Stake Choir for the Stake Christmas Devotional!
Join us for the upcoming rehearsals on Dec. 4, and Dec. 11 (Sundays) from 4:00 – 5:00 pm at the Stake Center. The Stake Christmas Devotional is Sunday, Dec. 18 at 5:00 pm. All youth and adults are welcome! We'll be singing three beautiful pieces. Small time commitment, large amounts of Christmas spirit.
(Dec 6 - 11) Festival of the Nativity
The Festival of the Nativity is back for 2022! It has been sorely missed since 2019 and we hope all of you will help make this Christ-Centered event a Christmas priority. After years of successful sponsorship by the Bellevue South Stake, this is now an area event under the direction of Elder Nauman involving 11 stakes. Additional information…
(Dec 10) Special Youth Devotional - Elder Bednar
All youth are invited to come for a wonderful evening devotional with Elder David A. Bednar on Saturday, December 10 at the Bellevue Stake Center (Main Street Bellevue)
(Oct 22-23) Stake Conference
October 22nd - Stake Center - 4:00 PM Extended Leadership meeting. 7:00 PM Evening Session for all adults
October 23rd - 8:00 AM - YM/YW Session - Union Hill Building. 10:00 AM General session - Stake Center.
(Sept 14) First day of Seminary
The first day of seminary in our stake will be on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 (start times vary by class/high school). See your teachers for more details!
(Aug 12) Organ Rededication and Concert
You are cordially invited to St. John's Episcopal Church in Kirkland to celebrate 130 years of music at the Blessing and Rededication of the 1892 Cole and Woodberry Pipe Organ, featuring a recital by St. John’s alumni organists with a reception to follow. For more information, please visit https://www.stjohnskirkland.org.
(June 20-24) Stake YW Camp
June 1st (Wednesday) 7:00pm: YW CAMP RALLY at the stake center
June 20-24: YW CAMP
(Jun 12) Interfaith Dialogue on “Judaism”
You're invited to an Interfaith Dialogue on "Judaism" presented by Fostering Interfaith Relationships on the Eastside (FIRE). Sunday, June 12, 7:00-8:30 pm, online and in person. For details and to register, visit https://fire-interfaith-dialogue-on-judaism.eventbrite.com. For more info on FIRE, visit https://fire-wa.org/about.
CPR - PulsePoint Volunteering
If you are trained in CPR, you can now help respond to a nearby emergency by downloading the PulsePoint application which is now connected with our county 911 service. PulsePoint is a free life-saving mobile app that notifies users when someone nearby is in cardiac arrest and needs immediate help. Download it at www.PulsePoint.org. You can also contact Paul Morris from the Juanita Bay Ward for more information. Paul is a volunteer PulsePoint Ambassador.
(May 28) Ensign Ranch Day of Service
Our stake will have a day of service at Ensign Ranch. We have been asked to come prepared with rakes, shovels, and other hand tools for clearing brush as well as 2 pressure washers. Families, wards, and individuals can spend the night Friday, May 27 prior to the service day.
If you can bring a pressure washer, please contact Bro. Millard at rob.millard@live.com
(May 22) Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting (including Relief Society)
2:00 – 3:30 pm at the Union Hill Building. Bishopric counselors, executive secretaries, ward clerks, finance clerks, EQ Presidents, EQ Presidency counselors, and Relief Society presidency members (presidents, counselors, and secretaries) are invited.
(May 14) Community Day of Service
Day of Service is sponsored by several Christian churches on the Eastside. Most events are on Saturday, May 14, either in the morning or in the early afternoon. We as a Stake are sponsoring three service projects, but we hope we can be a positive presence with our friends in many of the projects that are listed.
Welcome to the Inglewood Hill Ward
As of May 15th, most of the Sammamish 2nd Ward and part of the Sammamish 1st and Union Hill wards combine into the Inglewood Hill Ward. Sacrament meeting will start at 9:00 a.m. in the Sammamish chapel.
(May 1) YW Camp Parent Meeting
Sunday, May 1, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Redmond Stake Center. For all stake adult leaders and all parents of YW going to camp this year.