Young Women - April
Here are our upcoming activities for Inglewood Hill Young Women:
Tue, Feb 28 @ 3pm - Junior & Senior fireside at the stake center
Juniors: multipurpose room. Seniors: Relief Society room.
Future dates:
May 5 - 3pm, YCL meeting at the stake center
May 11 - 8:30pm, Stake dance for youth 14+ at Sammamish Valley Stake Center
May 18 - Day of service in our community.
May 19 - 3pm, Junior & Senior fireside at the stake center
May 29 - 7pm, YW camp rally at the Stake Center
June 8 - 8:30pm, Stake Dance for youth 14+ at Bellevue Stake center
June 9 - Seminary Graduation
July 8-12– YW Camp & 4th year hike
July 13 - 8:30pm, Outdoor Stake Dance for youth 14+ in North Bend
July 15-19 - Rafting trip for youth entering Senior year