(Aug 21) Sacrament Meeting
Scroll down for the meeting program -
Please join us once again for Sacrament Meeting at 9:00 am. For those who will attend Sacrament Meeting at home, the Zoom meeting information has been provided to your email account.
This week is the fourth Sunday of the month. From 10:00 to 10:45, we'll have Relief Society, Elders' Quorum, and youth classes, and Primary will be held in the Primary and Relief Society rooms.
We look forward to seeing you, whether in person or online.
Theme - Learning and the Gospel
Presiding/Conducting - Mike Grayson
Organist - David Hendricks
Chorister - Nelson DeMeester
Invocation - By invitation
Opening Hymn - 103: Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
Ward and Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn - 174: While of These Emblems We Partake
Presentation of the Sacrament
Speaker - Erik Lustig
Intermediate Hymn - 300: Families Can Be Together Forever
Speaker - Tom Butler
Closing Hymn - 133: Father In Heaven
Benediction - By invitation