(Nov 28) Sacrament Meeting Program
Scroll down for the meeting program -
We hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please join us once again for Sacrament Meeting at 9:00 am. For those who will attend Sacrament Meeting at home, the Zoom meeting information has been sent to you by email. If you are not receiving these emails, please update your email address in the Member Dashboard.
This week is the fourth Sunday of the month. From 10:00 to 10:45, we'll have Relief Society, Elders' Quorum, and youth quorums and classes. Primary will be in the Primary and Relief Society rooms.
Theme - Come unto Christ
Presiding - Bishop Cribbs
Conducting - 1st Counselor Matt Astle
Organist - Jenny Butler
Chorister - Ashley Lovell
Invocation - By invitation
Opening Hymn - 94: Come Ye Thankful People
Note: To view the hymn page with music on Android or Edge mobile browsers, scroll down to the ‘PDF’ link below the lyrics
Ward and Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn - 190: In Memory of the Crucified
Presentation of the Sacrament
Speaker - Annie Astle
Speaker - Stake YM Presidency
Special Music - David Berry, Aaron Mercado, Ana Mercado, Matt Astle
Speaker - Matt McIntyre
Closing Hymn - 156: Sing We Now at Parting
Benediction - By invitation