(May 8) Sacrament meeting Program
Scroll down for the meeting program -
Please join us tomorrow at 11:30 am for the final sacrament meeting of the Sammamish Second Ward.
Starting next Sunday, May 15, our ward members will be divided between the new Inglewood Hill Ward (9:00 am, if you live west of Sahalee Way/228th Ave.) and the new Evans Creek Ward (11:30 am, if you live east of Sahalee Way/228th Ave.).
For those who attend from home, the Zoom meeting information is provided in the weekly email from Brother Astle.
This week is the second Sunday of the month, but it is also Mothers' Day, which calls for a special second hour.
All adult women (regardless of calling) and the older Young Women class will meet in the gym for a special Mothers' Day presentation.
The younger Young Women class will be handling Primary singing time in the Primary room for both Junior and Senior Primary.
The Young Men will be teaching Primary classes: Deacons in the south accordion rooms with older Junior Primary kids, Teachers in the north accordion rooms with the younger Junior Primary kids, and Priests in the Relief Society room with Senior Primary.
Presiding - Bishop Cribbs
Conducting - Bishop Cribbs
Organist - Matt Astle
Chorister - Ellie Astle
Invocation - By invitation
Opening Hymn - 117: Come unto Jesus
Note: To view the hymn page with music on Android or Edge mobile browsers, scroll down to the ‘PDF’ link below the lyrics
Ward and Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn - 191: Behold the Great Redeemer Die
Presentation of the Sacrament
Speaker - Jada Mohamend
Speaker - Corrie Glade
Primary - Special Music
Speaker - 2nd Counselor Mike Grayson
Speaker - 1st Counselor Matt Astle
Speaker - Bishop Kyle Cribbs
Closing Hymn - 152: God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Benediction - By invitation