(Jun 9) Sacrament Meeting program
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Please join us Sunday at 9:00 am for Fast and Testimony Sacrament meeting.
For those who attend from home, the Zoom meeting information is provided in a weekly email from the ward.
Conducting - First Counselor John Outen
Organist - David Hendricks
Chorister - Ellie Astle
Opening Hymn - 288: How Beautiful Thy Temples
Invocation - by Invitation
Note: To view the hymn page with music on Android or Edge mobile browsers, scroll down to the ‘PDF’ link below the lyrics
Ward and Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn - 172: In Humility, Our Savior
Presentation of the Sacrament
Speaker - Amelia Amundson
Speaker - Brooke Lytle
Speaker - Gordon Tanner
Closing Hymn - 247: We Love Thy House, O God
Benediction - by Invitation