(June 25) Sacrament program
Scroll down for the meeting program -
Please join us Sunday at 11:30 am for the monthly Fast and Testimony Sacrament meeting.
For those who attend from home, the Zoom meeting information is provided in a weekly email from the ward.
Presiding - Bishop Jarom Reid
Conducting - 2nd Counselor Bryan Sparks
Organist - Jenny Butler
Chorister - Ellie Astle
Opening Hymn - 129: Where Can I Turn for Peace?
Invocation -
Note: To view the hymn page with music on Android or Edge mobile browsers, scroll down to the ‘PDF’ link below the lyrics
Ward and Stake Business
Sacrament Hymn - 195: How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Speaker - Max Larkin
Speaker - Ruby Steiner
Speaker - Jenny Fisher
Special Music - Cheryl Frogsley
Speaker - Irene Scott
Closing Hymn - 239: Choose the Right
Benediction -