(Feb 20) Primary Family Sledding Activity
Monday, February 20th from 10 am – 3 pm
Come and enjoy some beautiful snow and some fun times up at the Moulton’s lodge!
Plan on bringing your own lunch and/or snacks. You can choose to eat inside the lodge or outside on the deck.
Hot chocolate and Tubes will be provided.
Please let a member of the Primary presidency know if you are able to make it so we can get a headcount
DIRECTIONS: Take I-90 EAST to Easton, WA, and take Exit 70. Turn left at the stop sign to cross over the freeway, then turn right on East Sparks Road. Go 1/2 mile to 3251 Eask Sparks Road. The Moulton lodge is on the left. There is plenty of parking on the driveway.