Family History: Roots Tech 2022 and the Release of the 1950 Census
I invite you to look back at 2021 and set new personal stretch goals for this year focused on Family History and Temple work. Maybe you were only able to attend the temple six times in 2021. I invite you to increase the frequency of temple attendance to seven or more. Or maybe you start finding and bringing family names for proxy work. Maybe last year you only committed a few hours to find family connections or write a family history. I invite you to schedule and block out time each month. As you set goals and play and pray for help to meet them you will be blessed to accomplish those righteous goals.
Roots Tech and the release of the 1950 US Census can help you accomplish your Family History and Temple Work goals.
Roots Tech is a virtual conference held annually focused on linking families, celebrating family stories, and learning about tools and resources. This year’s conference will be held from March 3rd through 5th. Register for free at and watch sessions on-demand anytime.
The 1950 US Census will be released in April 2022. These records will bring to light thousands of forgotten connections within your family tree. Family lines that previously looks complete and no additional temple work was needed may now yield now opportunities for proxy temple work. You can read more about it at FamilySearch.