Volunteers Needed: Building cleaning schedule
We are set for people volunteering for building cleaning through October 9. After that, we're a little short for the rest of October, and we have many open slots in November and December.
We have a shared spreadsheet you can sign up on (or remind yourself on when you are scheduled). Find it here - Elder's Quorum Building Cleanup schedule
Things generally go pretty smoothly if we have two families help out getting everything done, taking about an hour or two. Cleaning is usually best done Saturday morning or on Friday evening. Here are the specific dates when we need people.
One more family needed
Two families needed
12/25 (I'm thinking we can make an exception here and do this one on Thursday, 12/23!)
I will start bringing a signup sheet to church with me on Sundays, but if you would like to grab one of these exciting time slots quickly before they are all snatched up, please feel free to reach out to me either by text: (206) 696-3907 or by email: dmadsen181@gmail.com, and I will update the list!
Find it at - Elder's Quorum Building Cleanup schedule
Thank you,
David Madsen